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Kikleo: the connected scale

In the fight against food waste, we seek to help restaurants by providing them with ever more precise and efficient solutions. 

Aligned with this objective, we seek every day to offer innovative and practical solutions to catering to reduce their daily impact and promote customer satisfaction. To better address these issues, we focused on waste from restaurant kitchens by developing a dedicated tool. This project was able to develop thanks in particular to the support of the European Commission .

A new tool to identify waste in the kitchen

Like our other solution which focuses on post-consumer waste, this offers restaurants the possibility of having data on waste in the kitchen, including surplus production remaining at the end of service and unsold items.

According to ADEME, 30 to 40% of food waste generated by catering happens in the kitchen. It therefore appears necessary to obtain a complete overview of the causes of food waste in order to adopt adequate and relevant solutions to limit it.

Thanks to a system similar to our post-consumer diagnostic tool, this tool combines a smart camera and can integrate a connected scale. However, with our research work resulting from our post-consumer solution, allowing calculation of volume and weight by image processing, we can also free ourselves from the scale in order to limit space constraints in the restaurant and save in efficiency.


The camera, using an artificial intelligence system, is capable of recognizing many classes of food, and volumetric analysis makes it possible to obtain precise indications on the quantity of food thrown away.

In line with our first production analysis solution, this new tool allows greater efficiency for catering staff. Without changing the classic route of food wasted in the kitchen, it goes directly from the place of storage or service to the trash, which will identify its weight and category.

The data is then accessible via our connected platform and allows restaurateurs to understand their food waste in order to implement actions to reduce it.

Result, better precision in the identification of food waste but also time savings and better commitment of catering staff in the fight against food waste.

A project supported by the European Commission

According to Eurostats, the European Union produced 58.4 million tonnes of food waste in 2021. That same year, 131 kg of waste per capita was generated and of which 12 kg came from the catering sector.

Food waste has also become a political issue following the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 by the United Nations. This program includes a specific target for food waste, SDG 12.3 :


“By 2030, halve global per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level and reduce food losses throughout production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. » In line with this agenda, Member States have set ambitious targets to reduce food waste by 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2030.


As part of this commitment, the European Commission is managing a multi-stakeholder platform (EU Platform on Food Loss and Waste) involving EU countries and food chain actors to help define measures necessary to achieve SDG 12.3, facilitate cross-sectoral cooperation and share best practices and results obtained.


To achieve this ambition, in 2020 the Commission presented the European “Farm to Fork” strategy, which aims to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally friendly and, ultimately, to reduce food waste in the EU

It is within this framework that the European Commission's support for the development of our solutions falls.


You would like to take action against food waste

Kikleo helps you reduce food waste and increase the performance of your restaurant by offering you a analysis of your losses using innovative technological tools.

Easily reduce food waste in your restaurant and increase your performance.

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